Effective Internet Marketing Strategy
An Effective Internet Marketing Strategy is Critical

Your website shouldn’t live in a vacuum.

In today’s business environment, your website is the hub of your business and an interactive, online billboard available to your potential customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As important as your website is, it is only part of your internet marketing strategy.

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to re-evaluate your business and overall marketing plan and how the internet fits into this plan. We have outlined the 4 essentials to any internet marketing strategy.

A Clear Business Model and Marketing Plan

How do you make money? This question sounds obvious but many business owners don’t have a solid business and marketing plan and an understanding how to maximize their profits. Take the time to evaluate your business from top to bottom. What are your cost of goods sold? What are your sales? Where do your sales come from? What products are the most profitable? What form of advertising is the most effective? There are hundreds of questions you can ask. Narrow it down to the most important and take the time to analyze the answers and put together a plan.

A Good Website
At home or away, your business is always available to potential customer with a touch or click. Your website should promote your business in a professional manner and showcase what you offer your customers. Today’s shopper has high expectations. They expect your website to be updated and relevant. A bad website will do more to drive away business than having no website. Make sure your website is a priority and its importance at the top of your overall marketing strategy.

A Consistent Email Marketing Strategy
Email is not dead. Your business needs an email marketing strategy and is still your best chance of being seen by current as well as potential customers. Make it a priority to collect email addresses from your customers. You will find that most have no problem providing it. Don’t abuse them with an abundance of emails and they will have no problem receiving news and special offers from your business. A past customer is always your best customer. Email keeps them connected with your business.

An Optimized Facebook Page
There are many social media outlets with Facebook still being the most important place for a business to be. Your website is the hub of your business while your Facebook page is the hub for your social media. Below are a few examples how Facebook can fit into your overall marketing plan.

1. Increase the overall exposure and awareness to your business.
2. Create a loyal and engaged community.
3. Establish you authority and showcase your knowledge in your field.
4. Gather leads.
5. Get sales.

The internet and a good internet marketing plan is critical to your business. Give us a call or send us an email and we will be glad help develop an effective internet marketing strategy.

JGi Internet Marketing
Jack Gilberg
phone: 800-827-9242
email: jack@jgimarketing.com

by Jack Gilberg
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